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Hotmart turns digital products into limitless businesses.
Founded in 2011 by entrepreneurs João Pedro Resende and Mateus Bicalho, Hotmart is a global technology company, leader in digital business and protagonist in Creator Economy (Economy of Content Creators).
With the goal of encouraging people to share their knowledge to win the world, Hotmart provides the best performance for its customers and strengthens a powerful community of content creators around the world.
The company is part of the Hotmart Company, a group of companies created as a result of Hotmart's expansion that includes eNotas and Teachable.
We turn content creators into entrepreneurs. And entrepreneurs into business owners.
With its complete ecosystem of secure and integrated solutions for those who want to create, sell and scale digital businesses, Hotmart mainly serves four large audiences.
• Producers, content creators, specialists, people who have mastered a certain subject and want to share their knowledge by creating some kind of digital content.
those who help others advertise their products on the Internet and receive commissions for each sale made.
• Buyers, people who want to learn and consume certain content.
• Partner professionals who foster the digital market, such as copywriters, traffic managers and designers, among many others, who can offer their services from Hotmart PRO.
Creator Economy protagonist
+200k content creators
Sales in 188 countries
+10B USD in content sales
Payment available in 22 currencies and in +40 payment methods.
Offices and employees in 7 countries, including our headquarters in The Netherlands, besides Brazil, Spain, Colombia, Mexico, The United States and France.
+1,700 Troopers, our employees, working from all over the world.
+700 are dedicated to Product & Tech.
Our history
Se você é jornalista ou influenciador(a) e gostaria de entrar em contato com nosso time de imprensa, envie um e-mail para: imprensa@hotmart.com.
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ação de patrocínio, escreva para:
Se você está tendo problemas com a plataforma e gostaria de entrar em contato com o Atendimento ao Cliente,
clique aqui.
A Hotmart transforma produtos digitais em negócios sem limites.
Fundada em 2011, pelos empreendedores João Pedro Resende e Mateus Bicalho, a Hotmart é uma empresa global de tecnologia, líder em negócios digitais e protagonista na Creator Economy (Economia dos Criadores de Conteúdo). Com o objetivo de encorajar as pessoas a compartilharem seus conhecimentos para ganharem o mundo, a Hotmart proporciona a melhor performance para os seus clientes e fortalece uma comunidade poderosa de criadores de conteúdo no mundo todo. A empresa faz parte da Hotmart Company, grupo de companhias criado a partir da expansão da Hotmart e que contempla eNotas e Teachable.
To contact our press team, send an email to press@hotmart.com.
If you are interested in inviting Hotmart to sponsor an event or initiative, write to experiencemkt@hotmart.com.
If you are having issues with the platform, contact our Customer Service team
clicking here.
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